Privacy Policy

This Privacy and Personal Data Processing Policy is a public Agreement concluded between the owner of the Site — Public Foundation “Angels of Freedom”, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator” and the “User”. This Privacy Policy is based on the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 21, 2013 N 94-V “On personal data and its protection” and applies to all information that the “Operator” can receive about the “User” while using the website The current version of this Privacy Policy is constantly available for review and posted on the Internet on:

1. Definition of the terms

1.1. “Site” — a set of graphic and informational materials, as well as computer programs and databases that ensure their availability on the Internet at the network address

1.2. “User” — a person using the Site.

1.3. “Personal data” — the personal data of the User, which the User provides independently when filling out the form for sending data or in the process of using the functionality of the Site.

1.4. “Non-personal data” — other data about the User (not included in the concept of Personal data).

1.5. Protection of the confidentiality of personal data — a set of measures, including legal, organizational and technical, carried out for the purposes established by the Law “On Personal Data and their Protection” of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1.6. “Operator” — the owner of the Site — Public Fund “Angels of Freedom”.

1.7. Cookies — a piece of data sent by a web server and stored on the User's computer, which the web client or web browser sends to the web server each time in an HTTP request when trying to open a page of the Site.

1.8. IP address — a unique network address of a node in a computer network built using the IP protocol.

2. Subject of the Privacy Policy

2.1. This Privacy Policy establishes the obligations of the “Operator” on non-disclosure and ensuring the confidentiality protection regime of personal data that the “User” provides at the request of the “Operator” when filling out a form on the “Site” or using any services of the site.

2.2. “Personal Data” authorised for processing under this Privacy Policy may include the following information:

2.2.1. surname, first name, patronymic of the “User”;

2.2.2. contact telephone number of the “User”;

2.2.3. electronic mail (e-mail) address;

2.2.4. the city of residence of the “User”;

2.2.5. clothing size;

2.2.6. payment details.

2.3. The site protects “Non-personal data” about visitors (including cookies).

2.4. Any other personal information, not specified above, is subject to secure storage and non-dissemination, except as provided for in clauses. 4.3. and 4.4. of this Privacy Policy.

3. Purposes of collection of “Personal Data”

3.1. The “Operator” collects and stores only those “Personal Data” that are necessary for the interaction between the “Operator” and the “User”.

3.2. “Personal Data” may be used for the following purposes:

3.2.1. identification of the “User”,

3.2.2. interaction with the “User”,

3.2.3. sending information and enquiries to the “User”,

3.2.4. carrying out statistical and other research.

3.3. “User” is prohibited to indicate personal data of third parties on the “Site” (except for the condition of representing the interests of these persons, having documentary confirmation of third parties to perform such actions).

4. Порядок и сроки обработки «Персональных данных»

4.1. Обработка персональных данных «Пользователя» осуществляется без ограничения срока, любым законным способом, в том числе в информационных системах персональных данных с использованием средств автоматизации или без использования таких средств.

4.2. «Оператор» обязуется использовать «Персональные данные» в соответствии с Законом «О персональных данных и их защите» Республики Казахстан.

4.3. «Оператор» имеет право передавать «Персональные данные» и «Неличные данные» без согласия «Пользователя» следующим лицам:

4.3.1. государственным органам, в том числе органам дознания и следствия, и органам местного самоуправления по их мотивированному запросу;

4.3.2. в иных случаях, прямо предусмотренных действующим законодательством Республики Казахстан.

4.4. «Оператор» имеет право передавать «Персональные данные» третьим лицам, не указанным в п.4.3. настоящей Политики конфиденциальности, в следующих случаях:

4.4.1. «Пользователь» выразил своё согласие на такие действия;

4.4.2. передача необходима в рамках использования «Пользователем» «Сайта» или взаимодействия с «Пользователем».

4. The procedure and terms of processing of “Personal Data”

4.1. Processing of “User's” personal data is carried out without limitation of time, by any lawful means, including in information systems of personal data with or without the use of means of automation.

4.2. “Operator” undertakes to use “Personal Data” in accordance with the Law “On Personal Data and their Protection” of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4.3. “Operator” has the right to transfer “Personal Data” and “Non-Personal Data” without the consent of “User” to the following persons:

4.3.1. state authorities, including enquiry and investigation authorities, and local self-government authorities upon their motivated request;

4.3.2. in other cases directly provided for by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4.4. “Operator” has the right to transfer “Personal Data” to third parties not specified in clause 4.3. of this Privacy Policy in the following cases:

4.4.1. “User” has expressed his/her consent to such actions;

4.4.2. The transfer is necessary within the framework of the “User's” use of the “Site” or interaction with the “User”.

5. Protection of Personal Data

5.1. “Operator” carries out proper protection of “Personal Data” and “Non-Personal Data” in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and takes necessary and sufficient organisational and technical measures to protect “Personal Data”

6. Other provisions

6.1. By submitting personal and other data to the “Operator” through the “Site”, the “User” confirms its consent to the use of the said data on the terms and conditions set forth in this Privacy Policy.

6.2. If the “User” does not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, he/she is obliged to stop using the “Site”.

6.3. This Privacy Policy applies only to the site “Operator” is not responsible for the websites of third parties to which the “User” can go through the links available on the “Site”.

6.4. “Operator”, due to the specifics of the way of obtaining information, does not check the reliability of the “User's” provided “Personal Data” and does not control their relevance. However, the “Operator” assumes that the “User” provides reliable “Personal Data” and keeps this data up to date. All responsibility as well as possible consequences for providing inaccurate or irrelevant personal data shall be borne by the User.

6.5. The current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan applies to this Privacy Policy and relations between the “User” and the “Operator”.

6.6. “Operator” reserves the right to unilaterally change this Privacy Policy for further improvement of the security system in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6.7. All proposals or questions regarding this Privacy Policy should be communicated to the email address

6.7.1. The consent given by the “User” to the processing of his/her personal data is open-ended and can be withdrawn by sending a written application by the “User” to the e-mail address